Blog Wk 4

 This week we had to take assessments on listening, verbal aggression, and communication anxiety.  Then we had to have two people take the assessments and score us on how they thought we communicated.  My scores showed me to be low in verbal aggression, mild in communication anxiety, and people-oriented in listening styles.  My friends scored me as none and moderate in verbal aggression; mild and elevated in communication anxiety, and action-oriented and people-oriented in listening styles.

 I think the scores show that I need to work on my presentation when I am speaking.  In some situations, I may show my anxiety and in others, I do not.  I like that my friend scored me as none in verbal aggression, as I like to believe I am very good at not being verbally aggressive; however, there are still some things I need to work on.  I like to believe I am action-oriented and people-oriented as well.  I really do think communication styles vary based on the context/ situation of communication.   However, now, I will be more aware of my presentation when I am speaking with others.  


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I agree with your thoughts about showing anxiety in certain situations. I feel that I do the same thing in my opinion it depends on many other factors like the setting or the situation.


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