Completing the Journey

 Wow, I can't believe this journey is coming to an end.  I have learned so much along the way.  I have pushed myself harder than I have ever pushed myself to complete this program.  I have struggled and celebrated along the way.  Most importantly I have learned I am capable of anything I set my mind to.  

This program has taught me that working in the early childhood field I am making a difference for the families and children I serve.  I am making a difference when I coach staff and share my "why".  I make a difference every day by being the constant in a child's life.

I have learned there is no limit to advocating for children, families, and teachers.  I need to use my voice, skills, and knowledge to make a difference in the agency I work for, the community I live in, and the world we all live in.    

I will continue to learn and keep abreast of the continuous changes in the early childhood field.  I am no longer intimidated by the research papers I come across and have no problem understanding the information presented.  I will read them understanding that I will gain further knowledge of how to make a positive impact in the centers I manage, and classrooms I teach.  

My long-term goal is to write a children's book about what a day at Head Start and Early Head Start are like.  I want to walk through a day in the life of children exploring and learning in a safe and healthy environment and depict children of all ability levels and nationalities.  I am hoping I will collaborate with other educators in this venture so that capturing a variety of ability levels and nationalities are accomplished. 


I am so very thankful to all of my colleagues who have offered feedback in discussions and blogs.  I couldn't have made it through all of the stressful times without your support!! The words of encouragement kept me going through the tough times.  I also appreciate the feedback on all of my papers and discussions from my professors.  I was encouraged to think outside the box and to see things from other's perspectives.  Thank you all so very much!!

I wish the best to everyone I have me on my journey!!


  1. Rebecca,
    Indeed, it has been a challenging and highly rewarding journey. I appreciate the quote you selected to include on your final blog. Many well wishes to you in your future!


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