Blog week 5

 Regarding a conflict with one of my colleagues:

                                                        Conflict Resolution Tips Inspired by Character Playbook | Northwoods United  Way

I have a conflict at work with one of my colleagues.  She does not want to follow policy and procedure with regards to following and implementing her schedule and specific routines with the children.  The most important routine is the Hellos/ Goodbyes with toddlers.  Every time I discuss this with her, she has an excuse as to why she does not implement this routine.  After reading through the resources and the text, I have discovered that I need to get to the bottom of the why.  I need to think about what she is telling me with her excuses and determine what she is really feeling in the situation to determine what needs are not being met.  I will ask more specific questions and respond to what I am hearing her say.  I will then determine a compromise as to how we can meet the needs of the program and relationship building while still supporting her as a teacher and individual.  I am very hopeful that this will eliminate the problem by having her follow the routines/ schedules within the classroom and support the needs of the children.  


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I agree with the solution that you are discussing. It is always important to try to find out the why especially in a conflict. Fingering out that can lead to a solution or at least an understanding at first.

  2. I can understand how meeting the specific needs of the children and the importance of certain actions in the curriculum are required in growth and development. Has she ever done the hello and goodbyes? Maybe she either does not feel comfortable with the practice or lacks the skills. I am sure that you and your coworker will discover some positive and effective ways of how to insert the necessary activity during the day.


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