Jobs Federal/International (6990 Wk 4)

 This week the assignment was to search for federal and international jobs that might interest us.  I found several that were of interest.  

ChildCare Aware of America
Director of Early Learning Quality Improvement
Education Required BA
Experience Required 3-5 years

The state’s most trusted child care resource is seeking an experienced, accomplished, highly-skilled leader to join our team in support of our vision that “Every family in Washington has access to high- quality early learning choices for their children, and every child care program has the resources and support needed to help prepare children for success in life.” The director position is a key position in the organization, providing overall leadership in the development and implementation of Quality Improvement services across the early learning system. The Director will have demonstrated success leading a team of skilled Program Managers whose collective goal is to increase the capacity of the early learning (specifically Early Achievers) workforce through on-going Relationship-Based Professional Development. These high-quality technical assistance, coaching and continuing education services are culturally and linguistically appropriate and responsive to diverse early learning workforce. In addition to working internally, the Director takes a pivotal role developing, with her/his staff, strong, effective, productive working relationships with regional staff, the Department of Early Learning (DEL) and the University of Washington’s Cultivate Learning.

Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS) Program Manager

U.S. Army Medical Command

Education Required BA

About the Position: Incumbent serves as Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS) Program Manager, providing oversight and accountability for EDIS Early Intervention Services (EIS) and Related Services (RS) special education programs for MEDDAC Bavaria and all outlying clinics.

  • Provide oversight and accountability for Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS) Early Intervention Services (EIS) and Related Services (RS) special education programs.
  • Assure regional compliance with the overall Army Medical Command EDIS policy outlining the mission, goals, and objectives of the Army EDIS program.
  • Provide guidance and assistance to ensure compliance and delivery of evidenced-based EIS to infants and toddlers and their families and RS provided by EDIS that enable a student to benefit from their special education.
  • Collaborate with EDIS team members, families, schools, and other community agencies in support of the EIS and RS programs.
  • Monitor and assess training and education for children with disabilities to ensure learners are reached and learning outcomes are achieved.
  • Use and monitor the Special Needs Program Management Information System (SNPMIS) for documenting all statutory and regulatory processes in EDIS.
  • Manage resources through analyzing program requirements, developing and submitting budget requests, tracking obligation of funds, and monitoring services.

Supervisory Education Program Specialist (SpEd)


Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Bureau of Indian Education/Div of Performance and Accountability
Education Required BA
About the Position: This position is part of the Div of Performance and Accountability, Bureau of Indian Education. As a Supervisory Education Program Specialist (SpEd) you will be responsible for planning, organizing, directing, administering, and managing system-wide the BIE's Special Education programs, services functions and activities.


As a Supervisory Education Program Specialist (SpEd) GS-1720-15, your typical work assignments may include the following under supervision:

    • Plans, organizes, directs, administers, and manages system-wide the BlE's Special Education programs, services, functions, and activities.
    • Budgetary management of all funds generated through Special Education programs.
    • Directs, manages, and participates in the identification, development, and implementation of special education goals, objectives, policies and priorities, service programs, and procedures for the purpose of ensuring the efficiency of operations.
    • Responsible for the coordination of the different program requirements with Associate Deputy Directors (Tribally Controlled, Bureau Operated, & Navajo Schools), administrators and staff, ERC specialists, and school-level Special Education coordinators to ensure federal requirements and accountability are met.
    • Serves as a supervisor for DPA Special Education program staff, including those assigned to ERCs, who are engaged in accomplishing the functions specific to Special Education programs.
    • Provides BIE-wide leadership in the formulation of new policies and in the implementation of new and innovative program directions.
    • Serves as a manager over a school improvement monitoring and technical assistance team of education program specialists and assistants with assigned responsibility for providing to the BIE Senior Management advice, guidance, and assistance.

While I am qualified when it comes to education.  I do not have the experience to qualify for the above positions.  However, they do serve as a reminder that I can continue to gain education in Special Education to further my career.  


  1. Rebecca,
    I really enjoyed looking at these programs and the jobs they offer. Just like you, I lack the experience. I believe that, in time, we will be able to surpass the experience factor. With your continued perseverance, I see great things that will happen. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Good evening Rebecca,
    I was also underqualified for the positions that I researched. I lacked experence in a leadership role and financial stratagies. However I do believe that to achieving a higher education is an essential part of moving up the career ladder. Time working on task is the key to gaining experence. I enjoyed your post. Thanks!


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