My Family Culture

If a major catastrophe happened and I had to be evacuated to another country, I would take a picture of all of my children together, a baby blanket, and my Kindle.  The photo of all of my children together is a reminder of all of the people I love and will miss because they will not be with me (two of my children are grown and live outside of my home).  The baby blanket provides a sense of security when things are difficult for me, and because I have shared the blanket with all of my children.  The Kindle is so I can read and escape the uncertainty of what is going on around me.  It also has a photo gallery with all of our trips and family get-togethers so I have access to memories.  It provides a sense of focus and control when the world around me offers none.  

If upon arrival into the host country I was informed I could only keep one item, it would be very difficult to decide   The photo provides a visual for all of the memories I hold dear.  The blanket provides a sense of security and the memories that all of my children have shared with me.  The Kindle holds pictures, provides internet access and has games and books.   I think because of all the things the Kindle can do, I would keep the Kindle.  I would be able to share things with my daughter to keep us connected.  I would be able to communicate with my other children.  I would also have access to my photos and other memories.  

I feel this shows that connection to family is important to my culture.  I realize others will select various items that will be different from my choices.  However, I am sure they will represent the things that they value in their culture.  There are many other items I could have selected; however, I think the items selected reflect more of who I am and my family culture. 

The Kindle represents the things I hold dear, connection to family, family memories, and a way to escape harsh realities.  My family being with me could always replace the material things that I physically hold onto.  However, having my family with me means the world to me.   


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    Technology is amazing to the point we can basically hold our families history and story all together on a tablet. I think your choice is a great choice because it still connects you to your family and the other items you chose.

  2. I love the tradition of the blanket that you have shared with your children. I also value my pictures of my children too and was one of the things I wanted to take. I do agree you made a valuable choice in the kindle you have the ability to stay at peace keeping your mind busy, and that can be one of the greatest treasures.


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