Research Around the World

For research around the world, I explored the website for Early Childhood Australia,

I learned that the organization is working to "Ensure Equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children in the Early Years".  The research indicates that 40 percent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children enter school "developmentally vulnerable".  It also states that roughly half of the indigenous children are going to attend an early childhood program. 

 A new position statement was created that established goals to lessen the gap in domains;  provide permanent funding for indigenous children ages three and four years to attend a minimum of three days per week of an early childhood program with teachers who have a bachelor's degree; and to "invest in quality Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled integrated early years services, through a specific early education program, with clear targets to increase coverage in areas of high Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, and high levels of disadvantage".  

The website has statements about the inclusion of children in early childhood care and a statement about early childhood and digital technology.  These are just a few of the topics listed on their page.  

I also learned through this website that Australia is focusing on early childhood in much of the same way that we do in the United States.  They are implementing Trauma-informed care, focusing on professional development, and adjusting to the new learning with COVID-19.

Something noteworthy is that the website has resources for parents to help them navigate the adjustment to the first year in care, sleep habits, nutrition and health, and separation anxiety.  I find those topics to be very useful for parents as well as teachers.


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    I explored the Early Childhood Australia international website as well. The organization is committed to providing equal rights to all children with or without disability. The information you shared on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children was very informative. The high percentage rate of children entering school and being developmentally vulnerable is alarming. With organizations such as ECA helps to improve equality and fair justice for all children. I enjoyed reading and commenting!


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