Personal Research Journey
After reflecting on subtopics for my research simulation, I selected: Rewiring the brain in early childhood. While this topic is spread out over several different areas of brain development, it truly holds my interest.
I have a 22-year-old daughter who suffered brain damage after contracting Bacterial Meningitis and developing Hydrocephalus as a complication. She is a fully functional young adult; however, we struggled through her early years and were told she would not survive past the age of 5 years. Through physical and occupational therapy, and by providing experiences for her, we rewired her brain and she has accomplished all the things we never thought she would be able to do.

I am very interested in how rewiring the brain can affect the development of children with disabilities and special needs. I have read articles on children becoming successful adults even though they were born with a debilitating form of cerebral palsy. My interests include knowing if all children were provided with physical therapy and occupational therapy at an early age, would this minimize some of the developmental delays and learning challenges children face? What if all children in the early childhood educational setting were provided with these early learning experiences as a norm? I mean, if we are focusing on what is best for children, let's look at brain development overall. We know from other studies that we can repair some of the damage caused by traumatic brain injury, adverse effects, and abuse, so why not prevent some of the other disadvantages that are caused in utero, during delivery, and during the early development? Why wait until a child is diagnosed with a problem? Why not provide those experiences for all children all the time?

Through this simulation process, I am learning that I must be very creative with the wording I use for researching my topic. I must also be flexible in selecting my results because the research is not exactly what I am looking for. Maybe my topic is not specific enough, or maybe it is too specific. Maybe the research hasn't been conducted yet. I mean, I would like to compare all children, not just children with disabilities.

If anyone has any suggestions or insight, I would greatly appreciate them.
I have a 22-year-old daughter who suffered brain damage after contracting Bacterial Meningitis and developing Hydrocephalus as a complication. She is a fully functional young adult; however, we struggled through her early years and were told she would not survive past the age of 5 years. Through physical and occupational therapy, and by providing experiences for her, we rewired her brain and she has accomplished all the things we never thought she would be able to do.
I am very interested in how rewiring the brain can affect the development of children with disabilities and special needs. I have read articles on children becoming successful adults even though they were born with a debilitating form of cerebral palsy. My interests include knowing if all children were provided with physical therapy and occupational therapy at an early age, would this minimize some of the developmental delays and learning challenges children face? What if all children in the early childhood educational setting were provided with these early learning experiences as a norm? I mean, if we are focusing on what is best for children, let's look at brain development overall. We know from other studies that we can repair some of the damage caused by traumatic brain injury, adverse effects, and abuse, so why not prevent some of the other disadvantages that are caused in utero, during delivery, and during the early development? Why wait until a child is diagnosed with a problem? Why not provide those experiences for all children all the time?
Through this simulation process, I am learning that I must be very creative with the wording I use for researching my topic. I must also be flexible in selecting my results because the research is not exactly what I am looking for. Maybe my topic is not specific enough, or maybe it is too specific. Maybe the research hasn't been conducted yet. I mean, I would like to compare all children, not just children with disabilities.
If anyone has any suggestions or insight, I would greatly appreciate them.
This was a great blog! I am happy that your daughter has made the transition into a young adult. Your cause for doing this research project is spectacular. There are many special needs children that because we did not have the research and developments that we have today were not fortunate enough to get the proper help and care and yet remain totally dependent on parents, grandparents etc. for their day-to-day care. The brain is such a intense organ and is capable of so many reactions to different stimuli. I know I'm late but thanks for your post.