Sharing Web Resources (week 6)

Today I explored NAEYC's global engagement.

"No matter where you live, whether you’re a teacher, parent, director, advocate or investor, a seasoned professional or new to the field, your work impacts children around the world."

Hello is an online interactive platform for educators and professionals around the world.  This is an open discussion form for bridging a connection with educators from around the world.  

NAEYC holds national conferences with Language Tracks so that a diverse group of educators are able to participate.  Educators from around the world participate in these conferences.  "While NAEYC doesn’t offer accreditation to programs outside of the United States at this time, we offer broader technical assistance to support country-wide, high-quality learning systems around the world."

With regard to equity and quality in early childhood:

NAEYC has a position statement on Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education. This position statement is part of NAEYC's core values.  

"...we recognize that our commitment to all children having the right to equitable learning opportunities means we must confront the complicated past and present of equity and equality in the United States while also turning beyond our borders to learn how this is advancing in other countries. "

NAEYC is all about quality early childhood education.  Their accreditation is proof of that.  High-quality programs are accredited through NAEYC and uphold high standards.


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I love that NAEYC provides us with platforms like HELLO. I feel we need opportunities to network with others in this field. I love sharing ideas and funny stories about children with other educators. I know these past weeks haven't been easy but I pray all is well with you and your family.

  2. Thank you Talesha, we have had good and bad days much like others. I pray you and your family are all well also!

  3. Hi Rebecca, I love it and I love the quotes that you put up here.


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