"Global Children's Initiative" insights and information

"Persistent gaps in education and health associated with socioeconomic disadvantage impose enormous burdens on individuals, communities, and societies worldwide. Recent reports estimate that 200 million children fail to reach their full developmental potential by age 5. Drawing on our experience in North America, the Center on the Developing Child works globally to build a broader movement to achieve breakthrough outcomes for children around the world."

      This website provides information about children's learning and adult capabilities.  It discusses the science behind how children learn and brains develop.  This organization works internationally to educate and train parents, politicians, and early childhood educators.  The topics discussed are related to science.  

"The early childhood years are critical building blocks for lifelong health, not just school readiness." 

Executive function is something we all work towards developing in early childhood education.  

The good news is that executive function can be strengthened through adulthood with the right resources.  

I didn't necessarily gain new insights from this website.  I have a renewed sense of the science that supports that executive function can be strengthened through adulthood and is not solely developed before adulthood.  Through the right resources and supports for adults, the stressors can be reduced and new skills can be developed to assist those who are struggling.  This is similar to how we develop executive function in children.  

The "IDEAS Impact Framework" is new to me.  
  • Innovate to solve unmet challenges
  • Develop a usable program with a clear and precise theory of change
  • Evaluate the theory of change to determine what works for whom and why
  • Adapt in rapid-cycle iterations
  • Scale promising programs
These steps help to determine what works for one person and what doesn't work for another.  This gives the opportunity to modify what doesn't work and find what does.  This creates a win-win situation.  As early childhood educators, we modify activities for individualization.  This would be no different.  It is like finding the right piece in the puzzle.  

The goal is to improve early childhood development is to build better programs that achieve greater impact for children and families.  

Quality programs have a positive impact on children and families.




  1. Hi Rebecca,
    Great post it was really informative and provided a lot of information. I found the information about the continued strengthening of the executive function very interesting. It is always great to discover new research that is being done to better peoples lives.

  2. Hi Rebecca,

    I enjoyed reading your post. The information shared was enlightening on children's' learning and ways adult(s) can make a difference in a child's life. It is always fascinating to see what science can do in education, communities, and society as a whole.


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