Sharing Web Resources (week 4)

With COVID-19 at the forefront of everyone's mind recently, organizations have made heartfelt statements about being "in this together". has made a statement as well.  It is also providing resources for educators and families.  There are topics like: Coping with COVID-19, Making Videos at Home: Tips for Educator, and Statement from NAEYC on Passage of CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security).  The CARES Act has "critical provisions that will help multiple parts of the complex early childhood education sector, addressing some of the needs expressed by parents, educators, programs, and small businesses across states and settings."  I am relieved to know that there is something in place to help facilities facing this crisis.  I am also relieved because this demonstrates that economists and politicians are coming together to meet the urgent needs of child care facilities and educators in the U.S. 

In addition to working during this crisis to assist facilities, also has ongoing learning opportunities.  They have in-person training (currently suspended), online courses, and webinars.  These provide opportunities for individuals to further their professional development in a way that fits best for them.  There are also resource topics that you can select to learn about:


  1. This is some great information that you presented. Great job!

  2. I am a Prekindergarten and i have been using Zoom for technology to do circle time with my student

  3. The NAEYC website I feel did a wonderful job encouraging educators to stay strong and focused during this crisis. I was very impressed to see all the information they provided for us to share with our parents about the coronavirus. I printed out a few things for my parents and they were so thankful for the information.


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