Getting to Know International Organizations: Part 1

        Founded in 1993, Childwatch International Research Network, “the Childwatch International Research Network is a global, non-profit, nongovernmental network of institutions that collaborate in child research for the purpose of promoting child rights and improving children’s well-being around the world.” ( There are links to projects from within Childwatch as well as journals and bulletins from Childwatch and other organizations with the topics of child poverty, child protection, children’s rights, child law, and many more.  This website works to link local, regional and national research efforts. 
As I furthered my research on this website, I found that it hasn’t been updated since 2015. 
So, I moved on to the International Child Research Institute,  This organization was founded in 1981.  The Grassroots Community Development attempts to overcome poverty.  “ICRI envisions a world in which all communities have access to the resources necessary to overcome poverty. Sustainability and self-sufficiency are core principles of every effort to improve the lives of children and families around the world.”  Current projects include early childhood care and education, children’s rights, empowerment of women and girls, maternal and child health, emergency health, and grassroots community development.  They currently have projects in the U.S., Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe.
Researching these websites has educated me that there are organizations around the world attempting to aid families in overcoming poverty.  They are also organizations that are focused on the education and care of young children.  Which takes me to my last resource, UNICEF.
UNICEF works in over 190 countries.  I selected to look at the country of Ghana.  UNICEF believes “every child has a right to a childhood, future and a fair chance. UNICEF works to uphold the rights and well-being of all children in Ghana, across health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, education, protection and influencing policy.”  They offer programs in health and nutrition, education, water sanitation and hygiene, social policy and protection, and child protection. 
I never understood the intense struggles other countries face to provide clean drinking water and nutrient-rich foods.  I have been enlightened to understand what others go through just to survive.  I am grateful to organizations like UNICEF and the International Child Research Institute for providing resources and education for children and families.


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