My Supports

I have several individuals that are supportive to me in my daily environment.  My roommate provides emotional support daily and financial support because we share all the bills.  My mother and sister provide long-distance moral and emotional support when needed. A co-worker provides support at work whether it be moral support, assistance in completing tasks, or providing support to teachers so that I can complete tasks. I create lists that support me to stay on task and complete projects.  Without this support, I would find difficulty in facing obstacles and trials in my life.  I depend on them more than I would like to admit.  If I lost my roommate, I would have to find a new roommate or move back home to my mom’s. Without the emotional and moral support, I would have difficulty accomplishing my tasks and goals.  My job is very stressful most days and I need the moral and emotional support to keep from being hard on myself.  Plus, I am a single mom of a teenager and sometimes she drives me crazy. I need to be able to vent to someone when she’s being a challenge.  My roommate and mom are great for that. 

The challenge I have selected to discuss is getting fit.  This is a challenge that I will need to face sometime in the near future as it is affecting my health and well being.  In order to be successful, I will need people who will support me morally, emotionally and physically.  My roommate would be the most involved because she is around me every day.  She would be the shoulder I cry on, the person fussing at me to get up and move, the person to work-out with, and the person to cheer me on.  My mother and sister would cheer me on from afar and provide meal ideas.  My co-worker would keep the chocolate away from my office.  Without their support, I would fail.  I need the cheerleaders, the shoulder to cry on and yell at if necessary, and the friends to keep the temptation at bay. I depend on the people who support me in life and challenges.  Without them, it would take a toll on me emotionally.  I need and appreciate all the support that I receive from the people around me.   


  1. Hi Rebbeca ,
    Having a support system is something we all need. This assignment helped to recognized how blessed I am to have the support of my best friend.


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