Hunger in India

I decided to research children and hunger in India. I learned that 4 in 10 children are malnourished. Because of this, they suffer from chronic illness and do poorly in school. (United Nations in India 2019) I was surprised to learn that hunger is so prevalent in India. I was also surprised by the number of people who do not have adequate shelter, 50%. These problems lead to adverse childhood experiences resulting in poor health and poor cognitive development. There are programs and initiatives working to remedy the hunger problem in India, including UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund).

United Nations in India (2019). Nutrition and Food Security. retrieved from


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I was very unaware of the dire hunger issues going on India. It was great reading your post and getting more information on this topic. It is very hard to imagine that there is a place where 50% of the residents don't have shelter. The huge effects that this has on the children of India is the worst part.

  2. Hello Rebecca,
    Reading about the hunger issues going on in other countries is a very sad situation. We are bless people in the United States to have food and shelter. I realize there are some people living here that are homeless, but the United States is not a poor Country. Thanks for the information and great post.


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