Personal Childhood Web

Mom-Kathy Whatley
My mom was a single parent for most of my childhood. She taught us that family is important and that it is the little things that count; that you never give up; that you try as hard as you can to accomplish your goals. Being a single mom, she was busy and stressed most of the time. My mom struggled at times and we did not know it until we were grown. I have a better relationship with her now that I am an adult and understand her more. We live 1200 miles away from one another and we talk or text several times a week.

Grandmother- Lorrayne Seeley
My grandmother believed that children learn by doing. She allowed us to play and learn with logical consequences. She was very nonjudgemental. She did not believe in spanking so it was different at her house than it was at my mom's. She attempted to teach me patience one summer by making me sit in a chair and wait for the things I wanted. She would set a timer when I said I wanted something and then make me wait for the timer to go off before I could have it. 

Aunt-Trisha Volker
My aunt was only ten years older and so we grew up with her in many ways. She played with us. She made mistakes with us. She loved us unconditionally. She gave lots of hugs and kisses. One summer, she drove myself, my sisters and our cousins to the beach to spend the day. She played with us and ate sandwiches with us. She loved life and showed us how to enjoy the world around us. She loved children and opened an in-home daycare when I was about 20. She led me to want to work with children. My aunt has passed away; but, the memory of her and how caring she was with children reminds me that I want to show that I care, to every child I work with.

Sister-Nadine McClaskey
My twin sister taught me how to get along with others. She helped me learn that you may not always like family but, you always love them. 

Step-Dad-Bill Whatley
My step-dad taught me about relationships. He taught me how when things get tough, you do not give up. You try to find a way to work things through and work things out. He taught me about relationships between fathers and daughters. I did not have a good example of that type of relationship prior to he and my mom getting married. 


  1. Hey Rebecca,
    I love that you had so many people in your web. It's great to see that each person varying in age and relation to you all loved and cared for you in different ways. I can relate to being raised by a single mother who worked. My mother was also a single parent. I also think its pretty cool that you have an aunt that isn't very far in age from you, I always wanted a aunt or uncle like that someone who is old enough to be "responsible" and young enough to still be cool. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Rebecca,
    Wow it must be fun having a twin sister! In what ways did she influence you growing up? I'm happy that your childhood web is full of people that love you and made a difference in your life. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Talesha, it was actually frustrating for me to be a twin, but that's because there was so much going on and my mom did the best that she could. Now that I'm older, I appreciate those frustrations and appreciate my sister much more.

  3. Hi Rebecca,
    I can only say, I know it must be a wonderful feeling having so many loving people in your life. The majority of my relatives have passed on. I hope, that you cherish every moment you have with yours, it is so important.

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