Hi, I am Rebecca Clark. I earned my Associates in early childhood at Austin Community College, and then earned my Bachelors in Human Resource Management at Concordia University Texas. I have been working in early childhood for 16 years. Currently, I am a Center Director for Early Head Start/ Head Start. My center has two Early Head Start classrooms and two Head Start classrooms. The biggest challenges I have experienced working in early childhood are centered around working with adults. Adapting to a variety of communication and learning styles with adults has proven to be more challenging than working with children.

Earning my Masters poses several challenges that I am determined to overcome. Time management, family responsibilities, and focus are at the top of my list of challenges. I am utilizing the weekly schedule to minimize the time management concern as well as keeping track of my family responsibilities. I will establish a study zone with rules in order to keep myself focused during my allotted study time. I am determined to do well in this program and will rely on that determination to pull me through and be successful. I know that I am always learning and growing. So, this is just another way for me to do that.


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    Your blog looks wonderful. I've never created a blog before but you make it look extremely easy.

  2. Thank you. I was very overwhelmed until I found blogspot.


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