Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

Microaggressions occur throughout many interactions. I observed several when my oldest daughter visited. They were directed toward my younger, teenage daughter and were not meant to harm her, but they did none the less. The microinsults and microinvalidations were said in jest, but you could see the impact on my youngest daughter’s face. She was hurt by them and quickly tried to hide that she was hurt. When I observed this, I began to hurt for her. I did not realize what the impact was on my daughter. I did not know how to respond before now. I have a better understanding of what to watch for now. So, it is more prevalent in the observations and experiences I have. Experiencing them myself this week, I have become more vocal in identifying them towards the person who has made the microagression. I am pointing them out and holding the person responsible for what they have said. It is uncom...